DEVNov 21, 2024



If the cryptocurrency achieves significant market capitalization (in the millions), Phase II will begin. This phase will focus on acquiring land—such as an abandoned mine in a remote area of Europe—and constructing a large-scale bunker. 


With a fraction of the funds raised by trending meme coins, as DOG WIF HAT, $chillguy or many others, this bunker can become a reality very easy. 


For example, cryptocurrencies based on dogs with hats have raised hundreds of millions. (Some of them BILLIONS) If Vaultech raises even 10% of such amounts, we can create a secure, state-of-the-art survival facility for a lot of people.


Bunker Location and Project Updates


The exact location of the bunker will remain strictly confidential and will only be disclosed to token holders who secure a spot in the facility. This measure ensures the privacy and safety of the project and its participants.


However, we are committed to transparency in the development process. Regular updates on the project's progress—including planning, construction milestones, and technological advancements—will be shared on our blog. All updates will be carefully crafted to protect the privacy of the bunker’s location, ensuring that its security remains uncompromised.

Join us on this journey as we build a secure and sustainable refuge for the future.


Key details about the bunker:


  • Cost-efficiency: For less than €10 million, a sustainable bunker capable of housing multiple individuals can be built.
  • Self-sustaining modules: The facility will include renewable energy systems (solar or wind), water recycling, and food production technologies.
  • Safety: Located in areas of low military interest and away from urban targets.


Token Utility in Phase II: Spaces in the bunker will be offered in exchange for a substantial number of tokens, giving supporters a tangible benefit for their investment while contributing to a revolutionary survival project, different types of rooms depending on the amount invested.

Sustainability in the Bunker

The design and functionality of the Vaultech bunker will depend on the amount of funding secured through the cryptocurrency. Two potential models are envisioned, each tailored to different scenarios and levels of preparedness:


1. Short-Term Survival Bunker

If initial funding levels are modest, the focus will be on creating a bunker designed for short-term stays. This facility will prioritize safety and immediate survival needs in the event of a nuclear threat.


Key features include:

  • Food and Water Storage: A stockpile of long-lasting canned food, freeze-dried meals, and bottled water.
  • Basic Ventilation and Filtration Systems: To provide clean air and block out radioactive particles and chemical agents.
  • Compact Design: Space-efficient layout to house individuals for several weeks to a few months.
  • Essential Medical Supplies: First-aid kits, iodine tablets, and basic radiation treatments.

While not self-sustaining, this bunker will provide a secure refuge for a shorter crisis window.

2. Long-Term Self-Sustaining Bunker

If substantial funding is achieved and there is adequate time before a full-scale nuclear event, a more ambitious model will be pursued: a long-term self-sustaining bunker. This facility will not only protect occupants but also support a high quality of life for extended periods, potentially years.

Key features include:


Energy Independence

  • Solar Panels: Generate electricity to power essential systems.
  • Wind Turbines: Supplement solar energy, particularly in low-light conditions.
  • Energy Storage: Advanced batteries to store surplus energy for use during outages.

Water Sustainability

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Collect and purify rainwater for drinking and other uses.
  • Greywater Recycling: Treat and reuse water from sinks and showers for non-potable purposes.
  • Deep-Well Pumps: Access underground water reserves, ensuring a consistent supply.

Food Production

  • Hydroponic Farms: Grow fresh vegetables and herbs indoors without soil.
  • Long-Term Food Storage: Emergency supplies for backups, including canned and freeze-dried goods.
  • Food Waste Recycling: Convert organic waste into compost for hydroponic use.

Air Quality Management

  • Advanced HEPA Filters: Block harmful particles, allergens, and airborne pathogens.
  • CO2 Scrubbers: Regulate breathable air in enclosed spaces.
  • Radiation Shielding: Walls and air systems designed to block radioactive contamination.

NBQ Protection Systems

  • NBQ Suits and Masks: Distributed to all bunker occupants for personal protection.
  • Air Filtration Systems: Remove chemical agents, biological threats, and radioactive particles.
  • Decontamination Zones: Areas to safely remove contaminants before entering clean spaces.

EMP Protection

  • Faraday Cages: Safeguard critical electronics from electromagnetic pulses.
  • Hardened Infrastructure: Communications and control systems built to withstand EMPs.


  • An attempt will be made to implement an internet connection through SpaceX

The Choice Between Models

The type of bunker constructed will ultimately depend on the funding level achieved and the time available to complete construction before a nuclear crisis unfolds.


  • Short-Term Bunker: A cost-effective and practical option for immediate survival, achievable with moderate funding.
  • Long-Term Bunker: A state-of-the-art refuge for extended survival, requiring significant funding and time to complete.

Regardless of the chosen model, Vaultech ensures that its token holders will have access to supplies or to a secure and carefully designed facility. 


Regular updates on the bunker’s progress will be shared, protecting the confidentiality of its location in EUROPE.

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